Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting to know us

Chelsie Irby
Collateral Supervisor

I am a happy wife, mother, daughter, sister living in Durham, NC.
I spend my time...
hanging out with my family
going to museums
going to parks
listening to music
drinking wine
watching movies
making lists
checking things off lists
taking pictures
making pictures

Jackie Cook
Mechanical Artist

jackie cook. previously cash. i cook better than i make money, so the name change fits. newly married, creative, laid back, became an artist because my art teacher said i couldn’t. things i enjoy: old family photo albums, cooking, the smell of freshly cut wood, chocolate, travel, sewing, mountains, fetch with my dog, stephen king, laughter, coffee, hot glue guns, sunshine, crafts, spring, the sound of the ocean, being a wife.

Bliss Alexander-Smith
Comp Artist

I’m not a writer. I’m a list maker.
* grew up gathering eggs
* sewing/ drawing / diy
* premature graying
* vintage textiles
* owls in warm colors
* sleeping in
* 1973 green schwinn varsity
* organizing / to do lists / productivity
* communal efforts
* making the bed
* thrift stores / anthropologie (balance)
* npr / this american life
* feminism
* volleyball at the Y
* watering, pruning, and repotting the plants
* petting the kitty (who is famous)
* rosemary / mint / avocado
* flickr
* vodka tonics
* local/handmade/organic
* downtown raleigh
* being the last to leave
* general merriment

Kevin Grealey
Righter of Wrongs


Matt Wood
Senior Mechanical Artist

Matt Wood is tall. Not “Big and Tall” tall. Average tall. But tall nonetheless.
I, excuse me, He—has a beard often. Although its not often that he is rearing it. Its simple symbiosis, really. (in addition to the face, I suppose its worth noting that hair also thrives on his arms, chest and that awkward to read? – note: hair information not necessarily worth noting)
Matt’s middle name is Todd. It has no significance. This name came from a neighbor. A freaking neighbor for crying out loud.
Matt rarely cries out loud anymore.
Matt has a computer, has guitars, asks Santa for computer-guitars, has a ring on a finger, tends to a smaller, more energetic version of himself, loves his wheelbarrow (don’t forget the shovel – wait, the ax!), doesn’t listen to as much music as he used to, likes soccer, got his television for free (from neighbors –different than name neighbors, these were stranger neighbors), watches many movies, works full time, plays full time (that sounds stupid – I know, but people eat that 110% stuff up ...true)
Matt is true.
Anyway, Hi.

Wade Lewis
Studio Manager

I remember my first “real” deadline. It was assigned in 6th grade. Mr. Johnson announced “a research project”. The subject of mine happened to be “Why cigarrettes are bad for you.” Grades would be given for content, penmanship and cover design. Days later, I had the content perfectly scribed in pen without a single mistake (a total of 12 pages).
It was the night before the project was due that I decided to illustrate the front and back covers to duplicate Mom's Marlboro cigarette flip-top box. With colored pencils, I painstakingly managed every detail, including but not limited to, the lion crest that rests above the bold name. “Pretty damned good,” my dad proclaimed; “you’re such a good artist,” my mom doted. My grade: A+++! And so, this artist was born.

Nearly 40 years later, my mom holds dear the project which she keeps in a nicotine-stained photo album.

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