Wednesday, August 12, 2009

somewhere over the pantones

While *waiting on some feedback today I took a gaze out of the window behind me and I do nearly every day to rest my eyes and stretch my legs and decided that it was very gray in Durham today. No. Not gray, like blueish gray. But a very pale blueish gray. Definitely a cool gray. And that led to me wonder what exact color the sky was. So I tracked down a(n old) pantone® fan book and tried to figure it out. I think it was in between Pantone 7541 C and Pantone Cool Gray 1PC. I couldn't be sure because every time I looked from the sky to the book my eyes adjusted for the brightness as did the camera phone exposure. So you'll just have to take my word on that one.

So this led me to wonder how a few other things translated in Pantone.

The up-to-date, solid chips coated, Pantone Book.
Again, let me mention that the fan book I was using was an older one and was chosen for it's ability to be held with one hand.
I believe its closest match was Pantone 7417 C.

Next, my arm.
Let it be known that I am a very pale person but did take a trip to the beach last Saturday which I think skewed these results. Pantone 473 C

My dress.
Which turns out looks duller on paper than on fabric. I suppose it has been washed a few times
Pantone 3395 PC

The lovely brick wall behind me.
This was hard because I had to choose one brick to match. But this is the brick I always glance to so it was the winner.
Pantone 1645 PC

My after lunch grapes
These are huge grapes by the way. Which I think made it a tad easier to match their color.
Pantone 374 PC

And finally, Chelsie's bag which I covet.
It's such a great color. Especially for a bag. It must be like carrying around a puddle of water. I have bag envy pretty frequent, but can't seem to ditch my own fall to pieces, full of buttons, ripped seams satchel I've had for years.
Pantone 307 PC

* disclaimer that i was not just tooling around at work

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